October 25, 2013

During 2013, I’m participating in a blog circle called “Letters to Our Sons” with a wonderful group of photographers.  Each month we post a letter to our son/s. Click here to read last month’s post.

To continue the blog circle check out the next post by Jennifer Harris | Jennifer Harris Photography


Dear Ezra,

It is really incredible how much you change every month.  This past month you’ve really become fond of asking about us.  When we wake up you say “how did you sleep, mommy?” When I come home from a session you ask, “how did work go, mommy?” It is really amazing to hear you talk like this.  You’ve also started telling walking out into the back hallway and telling me , “I’m going to work mommy.  I’ll be right back.”  The other day when we were putting you to bed you told your dad and I that you loved us for the first time.  Even though I’m pretty sure you don’t know what it means and you are probably repeating the words we say every night, it still made me tear up.

Earlier this week you climbed out of your crib twice.  It was quite a surprise to me when I heard your bedroom door open and you peered into my office when you were supposed to be napping.  When the same thing happened that night I had your dad converted your crib into a toddler bed.  You are not quite sure what to do with this new freedom.  I can hear you play with your toys and I’m not sure if you have even slept in your bed yet.  The first night you slept on the futon in your room and when I checked tonight you were asleep on the floor.

The photos below are from a trip we took to New Hampshire at the beginning of the month.  Your dad ran his first marathon, the New Hampshire Marathon.  On Sunday, despite the rainy, gloomy day we went to view the foliage.  I was pretty determined to get a photo of you with your sister.  It is hard for me to take your photos together by myself so I enlisted your dad for this shoot.

Boston family photographer_

Looking forward to another month,


  1. […] During 2013, I’m participating in a blog circle called “Letters to Our Sons” with a wonderful group of photographers.  Each month we post a letter to our son/s. Click here to read last month’s post. […]


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