January 6, 2020


When is the best time for newborn photos? |Boston baby photographer

One of the first questions I’m asked is when is the best time for newborn photos? There is a range of responses depending on who you ask. Have you read a bunch of blog posts that say newborn photos need to happen within the first week?  Did you already have your baby and are now stressed that you missed the “window”?  Were you sitting in the doctor’s office and imagining life going by in an instant? Did you adopt and you need to wait to come home.  It is okay.

A lot has been written about this two week newborn window but a lot of it applies to posed newborn photography.  I’m in the camp that anytime is a good time for baby photos. Posed newborn photographers need the baby’s to curl up and be sounds asleep, which is more likely in the first few days.  That is not the case with lifestyle or documentary photography. We capture life as it is at the movement.  It is okay if the baby is awake. If the infant is sleeping that is okay, too.

When families book me for newborn photos there a few things that I bring up.


  • How are you feeling? To me, this is one of the most important questions.  Of course you might not be sleeping well but are you okay to take photos, or do you need more recovery time.  A lot of emphasis is put on the newborn but the birth may have impacted you in a way you didn’t even fathom before it happened..  After my first delivery I did not feel like myself and was definitely not up for photographs while with my second delivery, I was up and walking around right away.  Your mindset and health are important factors to consider.




  • How is the baby’s health?  Were there any complications? Does the baby have jaundice? Did you need to stay in the ICU? Unfortunately, this things can pop up and the baby’s health takes priority.




  • If you have a partner/spouse, are they going back to work?  If your partner only gets a few days off, it is important to reach out earlier.  We have to work with your schedule, doctor’s appointments and availability.  If work hours are more flexible or fluid then there isn’t a rush.




  • Do you  have visitors? Bringing home a baby is a bid deal for family and friends.  Do you want to include the traveling grandparents or do you want a more intimate session?  The timeline of your visitors may impact the schedule.


Babies change quickly but that doesn’t mean we can’t capture the magic of the first few months at home if we miss the first few days.  Below are a few examples of photographs taken within the first few months.

Hospital Session

Few Weeks Old

Two Months Old


Beautiful baby in mom's arms Watertown newborn photographer

mom hugging baby Boston newborn photographer grandmother gazing at daughter holding baby lifestyle photography newborn looking up lovingly at mom Boston Newborn photographer black and white portrait of newborn baby Boston newborn photographer baby wrapped up in handmade yellow blanket Watertown newborn photos mom holding baby Boston Newborn photos Three generations Watertown newborn photographerbaby laying on beed watertown newborn photography baby stretching on bed Boston newborn photographermom kissing newborn Watertown Baby photographermom holding baby in bed Boston newborn photographerbaby curled up on mom's chest watertown lifestyle photographerbaby curled up on mom's chest watertown lifestyle photographerbaby smiling newborn photographerbaby curled up in mom's arms Watertown newborn photoGrandmother burping baby Watertown newborn photographerGrandmother feeding baby Watertown newborn photographer


Ready for more information about scheduling your newborn session?


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