What Happens When a Boston Family Photographer Goes on Vacation?
Take a look at the photos from our international trip.
Marc and I really enjoy traveling and it is something we have wanted to continue doing with Sadie and Ezra, hence Ezra’s first international trip was to Turkey at 10 months old. Pre-kids we were able to keep our costs down but now since we have to pay for four plane tickets and be a bit more discerning about our accommodations, we don’t travel very frequently.
This year we decided that it was time to visit Marc’s family in Israel. This wasn’t our first visit but it was the first time we think the kids will remember something. Ezra asked to see Jerusalem and Marc wanted to go to Masada so those two destinations along with visiting family was all that was on the agenda.
We decided to spend a few days somewhere else first to get a little family time. Amsterdam, for a variety of reasons, became our destination of choice. I really, really loved the city. It was beautiful and there was a lot to do. Also, a plus was that I didn’t get run over by a bike. The kids really enjoyed the NEMO Museum – a children’s science museum, which they kept calling the Dory Museum.
After arriving in Amsterdam at 7am in the morning, we dropped off our luggage and set off to see the city. The first stop was breakfast pancakes, then a boat ride on the canals, and finally to the Rijksmuseum. Sadie passed out and Ezra needed more space to run so after an hour we left the museum and started to walk back to our Airbnb to eat dinner.
I was amazed at the number of bikes in city.
More city views.
Here we are at the NEMO museum. The kids loved this place. Ezra was fascinated by the chain reaction demonstration and watched it 4 times. Also, the kids enjoyed making ballon cars.
And, we are off again. After two very quick days, we flew to Israel.
We arrived in Tel Aviv late at night so first thing in the morning we headed to the beach. Apparently, it isn’t beach season but that didn’t stop my kids. We weren’t expecting the kids to run into the water so Marc had to run back to the apartment for a change of clothes.
After the beach we went on a tethered balloon ride, which had an amazing view of the city. The kids played in the playground while we waited for the younger cousins to get out of school.
Who needs a common language when you have Minecraft?
Up next was Jerusalem. We headed for the Western Wall but when we arrived we learned that the Temple Mount was open. Marc and I have tried unsuccessfully before to see the Temple Mount but this time we managed to get in. Due to the time we only had 8 minutes to take in all in, which clearly wasn’t enough time. It was really extraordinary and I would have like to have seen the Mosque up closely.
Sadie putting in a prayer at the Western Wall.
Someone clearly wants a photo taken.
The next day we toured caves but the highlight came in the afternoon. The desert flowers were in bloom and Marc’s cousin found a spot for us nearby to see them.
On Friday, we were supposed to head to Masada and the Dead Sea but unfortunately we were blocked in by the Tel Aviv marathon and couldn’t get the car out until about 1pm. We spent the morning at the beach and then met up with the extended family for dinner. Afterwards we saw the house that Marc’s cousin was building for her family.
On our last day we woke up early and drove two hours to Masada and the Dead Sea. We thought the kids would love the feeling of floating in the water but we were mistaken. Ezra freaked out and ended up swallowing a little of the water, which can be dangerous and then Sadie broke out in an awful rash. Marc’s friend that was visiting the country with us did like it, though.
In the afternoon we met up with the rest of the family to tour Masada.
Here we said our good-byes. And, we did not plan that wardrobe if you can believe it
And, on our way home.
Our previous family vacation photos when we traveled to the Canadian Rockies are here.
[…] Updated: In 2017 I chronicled our family vacation here. […]