November 18, 2014

I’m excited to be participating in a 365 blog circle this year. To continue the blog circle, take a look at the beautiful work of the talented photographer Christina Klahn.

boston family photographer 365boston family photographer 365boston family photographer 365boston family photographer 365boston family photographer 365boston family photographer 365boston family photographer 365

  1. kerry says:

    Great week, Beth!! I’m in LOVE with your flower image. The conversion is just perfect!!

  2. Christina says:

    Love your b&w conversions. Great leading lines in that second shot, and such an awesome reflection shot! Love your every day moments!

  3. Charity says:

    I love the reflection shot! And I also love the first picture there is just something about if for me. It could be that I have a boy and girl and I long for day when they will play peacefully together 🙂

  4. Amy says:

    I love all of these, Beth <3 I think my favourite has to be the flower image, closely followed by the image of Daddy and daughter! Great week!

  5. Sonia says:

    Awe! Some of them are familiar. Such an amzing serie of image. I love how your playing with the lines in these. Amazing work!

  6. heather says:

    Lovely images this week! My favorite is the second one, lovely lines and conversion!

  7. […] go check out Beth Ann’s lovely work to see more of the Clickin’ Moms blog circle! Thanks for stopping […]


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