November 11, 2014

Another week of the 365 day project is up! To continue the blog circle, please check out the wonderful work of Christina Klan and her perspective from this past week.

boston 365 photgrapher

11/4/14 “Up on top”

11/5/14 “Nap time”

boston 365 photgrapher

11/6/14 “A walk in daddy’s shoes”

boston 365 photgrapher

11/7/14 “Pig pile”

boston 365 photgrapher

11/8/14 “Reading with Savta”

boston 365 photgrapher

11/914 “Playing with light”

11/10/14 “Teaching Sadie about dinosaurs”

  1. Alicia says:

    The last one. SO cute. I love it! I also love the “walk in Daddy’s shoes.”

  2. Sarah Ferry says:

    Wonderful record of your week! I love ‘a walk in Daddy’s shoes’ I remember my 2 doing this when they were little 🙂

  3. Amy says:

    Fantastic storytelling images, Beth! I love “A walk in daddy’s shoes”, your portrait of your hubby, and the dino lesson! <3

  4. Charity says:

    Nap time is just precious, I love her curls!

  5. Sonia says:

    Aw! These are so cute and it illustrate well the everyday life! Beautiful pics!

  6. 365 project says:

    […] mes photos de la semaine dernière pour mon projet 365. Prenez une minute pour voir le travail de Beth Ann. Pour voir les photos du projet depuis le dĂ©but, consulter ce […]

  7. Christina says:

    These are all precious! I love getting a glimpse into your life with your little sweeties!


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