January 23, 2024

happy family photography in city of  Boston

While we all dream of a perfect family photo session where everyone looks their best and cooperates seamlessly, a few common pitfalls can turn this dream into a less-than-ideal experience. Ironically, many of these pitfalls are within our control. If you’re curious about what not to do for your next family photo session or simply want to avoid common mistakes, here’s a lighthearted look at five surefire ways to derail your family photo session before it even starts.

Schedule During Nap Time

parents playing with a toddler in the city of Boston

One of the quickest ways to ensure a meltdown (and not just from the children) is to schedule your photo session during your kids’ nap time. Little ones need their rest, and when sleepy, they’re more likely to be cranky, uncooperative, and tearful – not exactly the ideal mood for capturing those happy family moments. This is a winning strategy if you’re aiming for photos full of frowns and pouts. For later evening sessions, put the kids down for a late nap so you can have happy kids and a gorgeous sunset.

Skip Feeding Your Kids

Dad playing with son in the city of Boston

They say a way to a person’s heart is through their stomach, which couldn’t be truer for kids. Hungry children are often irritable and distracted, making it nearly impossible to get those picture-perfect smiles. For a session filled with whining and the occasional hunger-induced tantrum, neglecting a meal or snack time beforehand is your go-to move. Take your time after the session for dinner. Eat your meal or a large snack before and then get your treat after for fun Boston family photos.

Force Them to Wear Clothes They Hate

mom having fun with toddler in the city of Boston

Want to add some tension and resistance to your photo session? Insist that your kids wear outfits they despise. Scratchy sweaters, tight collars, or any attire they find uncomfortable will make them miserable and come across in the photos. If your child usually wears something other than dresses, but you want that outfit for photos, the child might not cooperate. His or her discomfort will likely show in every strained smile and awkward pose, giving the images a forced and unnatural vibe.

Ignore the Weather Forecast

young boy having fun with parents in the city of Boston

Just because the forecast says it will be 75 degrees doesn’t mean that is the temperature at the time of your session. Morning sessions are generally cooler, and it is essential to check the weather at the TIME of your session. Remember to wear tights under dresses or thermals if the temperatures are colder.

Yell at Them for Not Behaving

parents with young boy in city of Boston

Many families think that they aren’t cooperating for me if their kid isn’t standing still and smiling. The exact opposite is true. I want everyone to run around and play. It isn’t natural for kids to be still. If I need some help wrangling the group, I will ask you. Yelling or scolding the kids won’t help our cause but create an uncomfortable atmosphere for everyone.

In all seriousness, while this post takes a humorous angle, it highlights important considerations for a successful family photo session. The key is to work with your family’s natural rhythm, ensure everyone is comfortable and happy, and create a positive, stress-free environment. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can help ensure that your family photo session is an enjoyable and memorable experience, resulting in beautiful, authentic photographs you’ll cherish for years to come. Remember, the best photos are those where everyone is genuinely happy and relaxed! 

If you are ready to have  amazing and fun Boston family photos, don’t wait to reach out!


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